Oct 2009 Webster at The Oldie A work of great scholarship
Aug 2010 Calum McNicol Hello Michael
What a superb website - what devotion. I am immensely inspired and grateful for your website. Well done. I still have to explore it fully (as I have the lights themselves) but a few hours on your website is akin to those mesmerising moments spent at a lighthouse itself.
Aug 2010 Angus Maclennan Hello Michael
I have taken the opportunity to visit your website and I am enthralled with the dedication and detail contained within.
Kind regards and best wishes on your continued work in respect to plotting and photographing these navigation aids
Aug 2012 Martin Evans Hello Michael
Congratulations on getting the website restored after such a massive computer failure. I think that would have terminally discouraged most people. I have a lot of stuff backed up, but nevertheless I don't know if I would have had the heart to start again. Well done Michael: you run a great site!
   (All the data was formatted on an external hard disc; the hard bit was just getting the utlilities to work again, and learning how to operate their new versions! -- Michael)

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